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Decoding CT Simulation - Your Guide to Computed Tomography

Understanding Computed Tomography

Computed Tomography (CT) simulation plays a crucial role in the intricate world of radiation therapy treatment planning. CT simulation involves a three-dimensional (3D) imaging approach, providing a comprehensive view necessary for crafting an effective treatment plan.

The Importance of 3D Imaging

CT simulation ensures that patients are scanned in the precise position they will be during radiation therapy treatments. Imagine it as a rehearsal for the main event, with patients lying on a flat tabletop, equipped with the immobilization device essential for treatment. Larger bore sizes prove to be beneficial in accommodating these crucial components comfortably.

CT Simulation Tips for Effective Planning

First and foremost, attention to detail is key. Every aspect of the patient's positioning, including the immobilization device, should mirror what will occur during the actual treatment sessions.

External laser systems play a pivotal role in marking...

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