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Precision & Safety: The Importance of Laser QA

In the realm of radiation therapy, where precision is paramount and safety is non-negotiable, Laser QA (Quality Assurance) is an important aspect. Therefore, routine checks of lasers of linear accelerators (linacs) and CT simulators is crucial.

Understanding Laser QA

Laser QA is performed daily by the radiation therapists that ensures the lasers used in radiation therapy intersect within a specific tolerance at the isocenter. The isocenter is the focal point where the radiation beams converge and the gantry, collimator and couch all rotate around. We also use these lasers to triangulate and align patients for treatment setup. This precision is vital to the success of the therapy, as any deviation could lead to unintended consequences, compromising both the efficacy of treatment and patient safety.

The Laser QA Guide

Performing Laser QA involves a step-by-step process that radiation therapists follow diligently as part of their daily quality checks. Each department may have their own...

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